Posthumanism and mathematics education: incursions and challenges of history in the anthropocene era
Post-Humanism, Mathematics Education, HistoriographyAbstract
In this paper we seek to affirm critical Posthumanism as a powerful possibility for the historiographical approach to/in Mathematics Education. To this end, we mobilized texts from authors who align with the perspective worked by Karen Barad in order to explain some of the lines that have guided our questions in research in the History of Mathematics Education. This is a theoretical exercise that points to the challenge of historiography in considering a historical time in terms other than developmental processes, but diffractive ones, in radically decentering humans and positioning our actions in multispecies entanglements and in the configuration of multiple times. Above all, it points to a philosophy of history that gives up the generalizing conceptual singularity of theories with their (geo)political effects and sets out to “stay with the problem”, figuring out ways of inhabiting the world (or its ruins) in an open and diverse way.
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