Vaya con Dios, Kemosabe: the multilingual space of westerns from 1945 to 1976




Since the mythic space of the Western helped shape how Americans view themselves, as well as how the world has viewed them, the characterization of Native American, Hispanic, and Anglo interaction warrants closer scrutiny. For a corpus with substantial diachrony, every Western in the National Registry of Films produced between the end of the Second World War and the American Bicentennial (1945-1976), i.e. the cultural apex of the genre, was assessed for the presence of foreign language and interpretation, the relationship between English and social power, and change over time. The analysis showed that although English was universally the language of power, and that the social status of characters could be measured by their fluency, there was a significant presence of foreign language, principally Spanish (63% of the films), with some form of interpretation occurring in half the films. Questions of cultural identity were associated with multilingualism and, although no diachronic pattern could be found in the distribution of foreign language, protagonism for Hispanics and Native Americans did grow over time. A spectrum of narrative/cinematic approaches to foreign language was determined that could be useful for further research on the presentation of foreigners and their language in the dramatic arts.


William Hanes, Pesquisador Autônomo, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro,

PhD em Estudos de Tradução, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 2016.


A. CORPUS Main corpus

Altman, Robert. (Director). McCabe & Mrs. Miller. Warner Bros. Pictures, 1971.

Boetticher, Budd. (Director). The Tall T. Columbia Pictures Corporation, 1957.

Brando, Marlon. (Director). One-Eyed Jacks. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 1961.

Brooks, Mel. (Director). Blazing Saddles. Warner Bros., 1974.

Daves, Delmer. (Director). 3:10 To Yuma. Columbia Pictures Corporation, 1957.

Eastwood, Clint. (Director). The Outlaw Josey Wales. Warner Bros. Pictures, 1976.

Ford, John. (Director). The Searchers. Warner Bros. Pictures, 1956.

Ford, John. (Director). The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 1962.

Hawks, Howard. (Director). Red River. United Artists, 1948.

Hawks, Howard. (Director). Rio Bravo. Warner Bros. Pictures, 1959.

Hill, George Roy. (Director). Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp., 1969.

Huston, John. (Director). The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Warner Bros. Pictures, 1948.

Leone, Sergio. (Director). Once upon a Time in the West. European Institute of Film/Paramount Pictures Corporation, 1968.

Mann, Anthony. (Director). Winchester ‘73. Universal Pictures Co., 1950.

Peckinpah, Sam. (Director). Ride the High Country. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1962.

Peckinpah, Sam. (Director). The Wild Bunch. Warner Bros., 1969.

Penn, Arthur. (Director). Little Big Man. National General Pictures, 1970.

Ritt, Martin. (Director). Hud. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 1963.

Stevens, George. (Director). Giant. Warner Bros. Pictures, 1956.

Stevens, George. (Director). Shane. Paramount Pictures Corporation, 1953.

Sturges, John. (Director). The Magnificent Seven. MGM/UA, 1960.

Zinnemann, Fred. (Director). High Noon. United Artists, 1952.

Other corpus

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Nugent, Frank. The Searchers – Revised Final Screenplay. Obtained from: Aellea Classic Movie Scripts. Disponível em: Accessed November 21, 2019.


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Hanes, W. (2020). Vaya con Dios, Kemosabe: the multilingual space of westerns from 1945 to 1976. Cadernos De Tradução, 40(2), 282–321.

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