Translation, dialogue, testimony: primo Levi and his translators




The adventure of the numerous translations of Primo Levi (1919-1987) first book - the autobiography about Auschwitz experience, but also recognized as a great literary work of the twentieth century -, points to the importance of careful, competent reading of witness and literary questions, and able to place itself in a relational dimension. If the translation act can be approached as a relation between texts (Meschonnic) - and not just between languages - the solution of impasses, or the enrichment that comes from the sum of the original with its translated text, can also happen thanks to personal and intense thanks to personal relationships and intense listening between writer and translator.If we want to use both a chemical and literary expression, we can say that it happens thanks to the elective affinities established in reading (and rereading operated by both). Interesting cases of the English and German translations of Levi’s first text, Se questo è un uomo (1947/ 2 ed.1958) will be reported to compose a panoramic picture of successes and problems, but also to introduce the specific issue of the book’s Brazilian translation (ed. Rocco, 1988), its limits and potential future challenges.

Author Biography

Anna Basevi, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,

Graduação em Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas, Universidade La Sapienza de Roma; Doutorado em Letras Neolatinas, UFRJ; professora de italiano no Instituto Italiano de Cultura do RJ até 2017; atualmente Pós-Doutorado com Bolsa Faperj-nota 10 (UERJ)


Basevi, Anna. “O tradutor como testemunha.”. Cadernos de Tradução. 38.3, (2018): 226-243. DOI: Portal de Periódicos da UFSC. 20/01/2020. Disponível em:

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How to Cite

Basevi, A. (2020). Translation, dialogue, testimony: primo Levi and his translators. Cadernos De Tradução, 40(3), 75–91.