Enhancing spatial perception in molecular geometry through concept mapping and augmented reality technology
Molecular structure, Concept map, Augmented reality, Visual representationAbstract
The aim was to evaluate the effect of applying a concept map with augmented reality on molecular geometry learning. Higher Education students (N=55) answered a pre-test on molecular geometry. The students were separated into two groups to review the subject with the support of a conceptual map with static molecules (group A) and a conceptual map with augmented reality (group B) – a digital resource developed especially for this research. All students were asked to build three molecules with styrofoam balls and wood sticks. A score from 0 to 10 was assigned to the pre-test and task of building physical molecules. The result of the pre-test showed that there was no significant difference between the groups. In the task of building physical molecules there was a significant difference between the groups. The results suggest that the higher performance of Group B may have been influenced by emotional and attention-related factors, in addition to the interaction with the dynamic molecules in augmented reality, although these assumptions have not been directly substantiated by the main research.
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