About the Journal

Since 1979, Ilha do Desterro magazine has published unpublished articles and reviews in the areas of English, Literature and Cultural Studies. Ilha do Desterro is a periodical of the Graduate Program in Letters: English and Corresponding Literature at UFSC, published every four months. Its main mission is to circulate the results of academic research in the areas of English, Literature and Cultural Studies.

Condition for publication:
Papers in which at least one of the authors has a doctorate are accepted. Master students, masters and doctoral students can submit articles with the proviso that they are co-authors with doctoral researchers. The editorial board understands that the supervision of students must be explicit, and should not be taken as co-authorship. Articles derived from master's or doctoral research must include the name of the advisor in a footnote, and not as a co-author. An exception is made for reviews, in which reviews of doctoral students are allowed.


Current Issue

Vol. 77 (2024)
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