Author Guidelines


Encontros Bibli publishes research in the field of Information Science – LibraryScience, Documenting, Archival Science, Museology and Information Management, and related areas – produced based on scientific research, theoretical essays, and case studies. 

Research must be original and unpublished and contribute to the scientific community. Encontros Bibli does not accept submissions of literature reviews, scientific production analyses, or user studies. Only research that contributes to science development will be accepted. 

We do not accept articles that had been fully presented at scientific events. Only those papers not presented in full, such as short papers or abstracts, will be accepted whenever the research has been reworked, expanded, and significantly changed since this new text is then considered unpublished, thus being suitable for acceptance for evaluation. In this case, the authors must specify to the journal the event where the previous version was presented during the submission process. In the cases of articles derived from monographs, the authors must inform which PPG and board the work was presented.

Research submitted to Encontros Bibli must not be and/or have been submitted to any other journal throughout the editorial process. 

The texts can be presented in Portuguese, Spanish, English, or French.

The average time between receiving and approving the manuscript is approximately 120 days.

The average time between receiving and confirming the publication is approximately 150 days.

All works published in the journal Encontros Bibli will have a DOI.

Aligned with the Open Science movement, our journal supports the use of preprint servers and accepts manuscripts previously stored on reliable servers, such as SciELO Preprints: 

The journal supports the use of institutional repositories to deposit versions of your article, as well as deposit repositories aimed at the preservation, dissemination and reuse of data, such as SciELO Data:

In both cases, the journal must be informed on the storage of preprint and/or data in the repository during the submission process. 


All manuscripts must be submitted on the journal platform:

All documents created on Microsoft Word must have the author’s identification removed from their properties. Learn how to do it here.

If the publication derives from a thesis or dissertation, had been published on any preprint platform, or is part of the results of a research project, the authors must inform it on the Work Notes document, in addition to declaring: 

  • Title, author, university, and year of publication (for research derived from dissertations or theses).
  • The repository name and complete reference of the article (to search previous publications on preprint platforms).
  • Project title, coordinator(s), research group, university, and center, and/or department and/or faculty.

Upon submission, the following documents must be referred to:

  • The manuscript for evaluation (complete file, including cover sheet, abstract in Portuguese, abstract in English, text, references, and illustrations in Doc, Docx, Open Office, or RTF format).
  • Illustrations (on individual and editable files in the BMP, TIFF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, SVG, and AVIF formats.
  • All documents requested by the journal were properly filled and signed.
    1. Work Notes (Template).1.where the authors highlighted other information about the work such as:
  • Information about the work
  • Open Science compliance
  • Acknowledgments and Research Dataset
  • Responsibility of the authors regarding the content of the work including the signature of each author who participated in the construction of the work.
    1. Declaration of Translation Certificate (if any). 
    2. Copy of approval of the Decision by the Research Ethics Committee (if any) based on Resolution nº 510, April 7, 2016, defining the regulations applicable to research in Human and Social Sciences. All manuscripts with the selection of participants and data collection involving human beings must be accompanied by a copy of the approval of the Research Ethics Committee.
    3. Document attesting the permission for the use of illustrations (tables, photographs, charts, among others) (if any).

All authors listed in the manuscript must sign the documents. Only digitalized and/or electronic signatures are allowed to avoid any type of fraud. All documents must be sent in PDF format.

The manuscript must fit the models provided by the journal, according to the categories below:

  • Article (template): Text produced based on finished research (bibliographic, documental, experimental, etc.) highlighting the theoretical-methodological grounds, research procedures, and reached results. 
  • Essay(template): Text produced based on a theoretical reflection that deepens a topic or a new approach to an important topic for the academic debate in the areas of Library Science and Information Science.
  • Case study(template): Text produced based on the presentation of a professional experience addressing practical cases and containing comments of interest for the professional practice in the area. 
  • Data article(template): A data article is a researchable metadata document that described a certain dataset or group of datasets published as a peer-reviewed article in an academic journal. It allows and stimulates the sharing of data and research materials.

For the data article modality, all data or datasets referred to or provided must be raw, primary, or unprocessed data described in tables, charts, or figures in the article.

It is worth highlighting that data articles must not include, by no means, interpretations, backgrounds, or conclusions.


Authorship is indicated in scientific articles according to the Guidelines for authors by the COPE (English) and must refer only to those who:

  1. Intellectually, directly, and substantially contribute to the research/article design (acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of the data presented).
  2. Participate in the preliminary versions or critical review of the article content.
  3. Are responsible for the authorship ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the article.

A participation dos authors mustrá be informada no format declarado no Work Notes document.

Name Middle Name Last Name
Higher academic title
University, Department, City, Country

The authorship credit must be based on substantial contributions, such as (a) design and manuscript elaboration, (b) data collection and analysis, (c) discussion of results, and (d) review and final approval of the article. If the authors’ contributions do not meet these criteria, they will be mentioned in the acknowledgments in the Work Notes document. 

The contribution of each author to the academic production must be described according to the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) as follows: first names initials and last names. Example:

Design and elaboration of the manuscript: L. S. Last name, J. T. Last name, A. P. Last name 
Data collection: L. S. Last name, J. T. Last name, A. P. Last name
Data analysis: L. S. Last name, J. T. Last name
Discussion of results: J. T. Last name
Review and approval: A. P. Last name

Encontros Bibli Journal will not publish more than 1 (one) article by the same author yearly (volume) to avoid endogeny. 


  • All authors must fill in the metadata on the journal system ensuring completeness of the authors’ information, including the ORCID. Publications may be delayed or even terminated if the metadata is incomplete.

All authors must have and inform the number of the ORCID register, which is free and available at We strongly recommend that all authors and coauthors have updated curricula on the Lattes Platform for the submission of articles. Foreign authors must send the platform link with the curriculum.

  • When filling in the metadata, the authors must insert the first letter of the research title in the upper case and the other letters in the upper case.
  • The abstract must follow the same research structure.



Authors and referees can choose whether to be identified by names at the start of the peer evaluation process. Authors and evaluators can authorize the publicity of their names on the submission of the article and in the Evaluation Form, respectively.

Submission acceptance

The manuscripts are pre-evaluated by the editors considering their originality, contribution, pertinence, thematic validity, general structure, and compliance with editorial policies. In case such criteria are not met, the authors will be informed within 15 days of the rejection and termination of the article.

Upon a positive evaluation, the approved manuscript will be referred to two external referees who will be responsible for the analysis, approval (with or without changes), or rejection of the text within 30 days. If needed, the editors might request the participation of other evaluators. 

The editor responsible for the manuscript evaluation process will inform the author on the “Acceptance without changes,” “Acceptance with small adjustments,” “Required corrections” (and another referees’ analysis round), or “Rejection.” The evaluation decisions are sent in any of these cases.

In the cases of “Acceptance with small adjustments” or “Required corrections,” the author must send the reviewed manuscript to Encontros Bibli within 30 (thirty) days, along with a document describing the changes and evaluators’ recommendations (accepted or not, plus justification). The editor responsible for the manuscript evaluation process will send the reviewed text to the referees, who will check whether the updated version of the text met the requirements and inform whether the text is to be accepted, rejected, or still require some changes.

If the manuscript is “rejected” after the final evaluation, the author will be informed, and the submission will be terminated.

If the text requires only grammar, spelling, and normative changes for publication homogeneity, the editors are entitled to perform such changes, respecting the author’s style. In other cases, the author will redraw the text according to the requests of the journal. 

All changes suggested by the text editors are referred to the authors for approval, who will have five days to either accept the suggestions and/or propose other changes. It is only upon the author’s approval of the final text version that the manuscript is sent to the editing process.

The editors are entitled to reject works whose content is significantly like other works in any part of the process (plagiarism).

The accepted manuscripts will be returned to the authors for the approval of changes throughout the editing process and journal style standardization. The author’s response must be delivered within five days. The decisions issued by the evaluators will be published with the manuscript. The evaluators receive a declaration on the manuscript decision and can validate the activity on the Publons or Reviewer Credit.


Encontros Bibli Journal provided templates for the following textual categories:

The manuscript must be written according to the grammar rules of the original research language. The text body should preferably cover the following structure: introduction, literature review, methodological procedures or methodology, results, analysis, conclusions, references, and annexes (if any).

The manuscript must be written in A4 format, single column, with at least 12 and up to 25 pages, including the references. The page layout must not be changed. Foreign words must be highlighted in italic. Margins must be 3cm – 2cm. 

The article title must be concise, avoiding excess words, either in Portuguese or English, written in Arial black font, 16, black color, bold upper-case letters. The title and subtitle (if any) must be separated by a colon (:). Title: Arial black font, 16, black color, left-aligned without hyphenation. The title in English must be written in bold, size 10.

Line spacing in the text body must be 1.5, without spacing between paragraphs, with 1.25cm indentation at the beginning of each paragraph. The font in the text body must be Arial, 12, with justified alignment. Text, footnotes, titles, and other elements must be standardized using the Word style resource. All footnotes will only be used to indicate the source (authorship) and content of figures, tables, and captions, Arial font, 11.

The format of the files must be Doc, Docx, Open Office, or RTF.

  • Homepage
  1. Full title in Portuguese: must be concise and avoid unnecessary and/or redundant words, without abbreviations.
  2. Full title in English, compatible with the title in Portuguese.
  3. Abstract in Portuguese: the abstract must be attractive enough for readers to read the text in full or mention it in their research. The following structure must be followed: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  4. Keywords:Synthesis of the research in five words representing the study. Small sentences and composed words should be avoided, except when significant. We recommend the use of a terminological thesaurus: 
  5. Theabstract in English must be compatible with the text of the abstract in Portuguese, following the same regulations and with corresponding keywords.
  • Text Structure
  1. Introduction:Justifies the validity of the study objective. Readers should have the information required to understand both the objective and the relevance of the study (VOLPATO, 2007). 
  2. Methodological Procedures: To briefly report the methods, research tools, techniques, and procedures adopted. 

Note: If the research collected data involving human beings, the methodological section must mention the approval by the Research Ethics Committee and annex the respective document to the manuscript.

  1. Results: Brief and objective description of the results according to a logical sequence including text, figures, and tables. The results must emphasize the evidence required to answer the research questions or hypotheses investigated.
  2. Discussion:Brief description of the most important findings and discoveries unfolded throughout the research process, with comments on the relevance of the results, comparisons with other research findings, and the author’s position on the topic.
  3. Conclusion: Brief and synthesized description of the conclusions and considerations for all the issues debated in the text and suggestions for further studies. Bibliographic quotations must not be included in this section.


  • Quotations

All quotations must follow the regulations of the Brazilian Association of Technical Regulations – ABNT, according to the author/date system in the NBR 10520/2023.

Short direct quotations (literal) occupy up to 3 (three) lines and must be in quotes along the text body and must not be highlighted in italics (or any other highlight), followed by the authorship in brackets (author’s Last name, year, page (with space between the period and page number). 

Example: “A scientific article is part of a publication with declared authorship presenting and discussing ideas, methods, techniques, processes, and results in several knowledge areas.” (ABNT, 2003, p. 2). 

Along the text body, the author must be identified as follows: According to Barros and Lehfeld (2000, p. 107), “quotations or transcriptions of bibliographic documents should strengthen and support the researcher’s thesis or document their interpretation”. 

Long direct quotations (literal) occupy more than 3 (three) lines and must be on a highlighted paragraph, with 4cm of left indentation, justified alignment, single line spacing, with before and after spacing, Arial font 11, without quotation marks, no italic (or any outro highlight), followed by the authorship in brackets: (author’s last name, year, page with space between the period and the number), with the period after the brackets. 


Language, thereby, is no longer a place where individuals meet; it also imposes such an encounter well-defined form. It is no longer only a condition of social life but a form of social life. It loses its innocence. Language, therefore, will be no longer defined, à la Saussure’s mode, as a code, that is, as a communication instrument. It will be though regarded as a game, or better, as the establishing of rules of a game, and a game that is confused with daily existence (Ducrot, 1977, p. 12).

In turn, an indirect quotation is a paraphrase elaborated based on an author’s idea or opinion in a consulted work. In this case, only the author’s last name is indicated, along with the year of work publication written using the same font as in the text body (Arial font, 12). The page number does not need to be indicated.


(a) The text body must include only the first letter of the author’s last name in upper-case, with the year indicated in brackets, and without the page number. 

- In Souza and Faria’s opinion (2000) [...].

- Likewise, Lopes (2008) [...].

(b) At the end of the quote: last name of the author(s) in upper and lower case.

... (Souza; Faria, 2000).

... (Lopes, 2008).

  • References 

All references must follow the regulations of the Brazilian Association of Technical Regulations – ABNT, as established in the NBR 6023/2018, and organized in alphabetical order. References with more than one author must mention all authors who participated in the manuscript; the use of (et al.) will not be accepted. We strongly recommend that over 60% of the references have been published in the past five years. The DOI to the publications should be indicated whenever it is available.

The manuscript will be published only upon properly describing all data and materials according to our guidelines for authors.


  • Books and Book Chapters

BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Globalização: as consequências humanas. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 1999.

ROMANO, Giovanni. Imagens da juventude na era moderna. In: LEVI, G.; SCHMIDT, J. (org.). História dos jovens 2: a época contemporânea. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. p. 7-16.

  • Electronic Books and Book Chapters 

BAVARESCO, Agemir; BARBOSA, Evandro; ETCHEVERRY, Katia Martin (org.). Projetos de filosofia. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2011. E-book. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 ago. 2011.

OLIVEIRA, H. P. C. DE; VIDOTTI, S. A. B. G.; BENTES, V. Arquitetura da informação. In: OLIVEIRA, H. P. C. DE; VIDOTTI, S. A. B. G.; BENTES, V.. Arquitetura da informação pervasiva. São Paulo: UNESP; São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica, 2015. p. 43-74. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 ago 2020

  • Thesis

AGUIAR, André Andrade de. Avaliação da microbiota bucal em pacientes sob uso crônico de penicilina e benzatina. 2009. Tese (Doutorado em Cardiologia) – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2009.

NASCIMENTO, Mateus Rebouças. Indicadores de produção intelectual na Ciência da Informação: perspectivas para o Sistema de Avaliação da Capes. 2022. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Informação) – Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 maio 2022.

  • Scientific Journals

BENNETTON, M. J. Terapia ocupacional e reabilitação psicossocial: uma relação pos sível. Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, v. 4, n. 3, p. 11-16, mar. 1993.

DIAS, Karcia Lúcia Oliveira; OLIVEIRA, Maria Juvenal Freire de; ALBUQUERQUE, Baltar Carneiro de. Da Xilogravura na matriz à digital. Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 1, p. 1–21, 2022. DOI: 10.5007/1518-2924.2022.e87170. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 dez. 2022.

  • Magazine publication

INGIZZA, Carolina; ANGRELA, Lucas; GUILHERME, Guilherme. O fantástico mercado dos games. Revista Exame, São Paulo, 13 ago. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 ago. 2020.

PETRY, André. Certezas sem base. Veja, São Paulo, ed. 2416, ano 48, nº 10, p.58-59, 11 mar. 2015

  • Newspaper article 

ONDA de frio: reviravolta traz vento e forte chance de neve. Zero Hora, Porto Alegre, ano 47, n. 16.414, p. 2, 12 ago. 2010.

AMENDOLA, Gilberto. OMS inclui uma síndrome de burnout na lista de doenças. Estadão, São Paulo, 28 mai. 2019. Disponível em:,oms-inclui-a-sindrome-de-burnout-na-lista-de-doencas,70002845142. Acesso em: 22 ago. 2020.


Jan Velterop; Erik Schultes. An Academic Publishers’ GO FAIR Implementation Network (APIN). SciELO Data, V1, 2021., 

PEREIRA, Eduardo. Analise de co-citação em redes sociais do Brasil., OSF [dataset] versão dez. 2021. 

PEREIRA, EANES; BARROS FILHO, MAURO; SIMOES, MATHEUS; BEZERRA NETO, JOSÉ AUGUSTO. Data for: Automatic Detection of Deprived Urban Areas Using Google Earth™ Images of Cities from the Brazilian Semi-arid Region. SciELO Data, V1, 2022., 

  • Events and Proceedings

SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE A JUVENTUDE BRASILEIRA, 4., 2010. Belo Horizonte, MG. Anais [...]. Belo Horizonte: PUC Minas, 2011.

CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE UNIDADES DE CONSERVAÇÃO, 4., 2004, Curitiba. Anais [...]. Curitiba: Fundação Boticário de Proteção à Natureza, 2004. 224 p. 

OYADOMARI, A. T. et al. Efeitos da terapia por laser de baixa potência no processo de reparo de defeitos ósseos preenchidos pelo osso bovino Bio-Oss® associados ao novo selante heterólogo de fibrina. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO, 25., 2017, Bauru. Resumos [...]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, 2017.

  • Event papers published in journals

ALMEIDA, M. T. et al. Avaliação do professor realizada pelo aluno: impacto nas práticas docentes: impacto nas práticas docentes. Rev. Bras. Educ. Méd., Rio de Janeiro, v. 35, n. 4, p. 141-142, set./dez. 2011. ?supl. 1. Trabalho apresentado no 49° Congresso Brasileiro de Educação Médica, Belo Horizonte, 2011.

AZENHA, F. S. P; FERRARI, D. V.. Acceptable noise level (ANL): results with different stimuli. J Appl Oral Sci, Bauru, v. 24, p. 219, 2016. ?Special Issue. Trabalho apresentado no 23° Congresso Fonoaudiológico de Bauru “Profa. Dra. Adréa Cintra Lopes, Bauru, 2016.

  • All event in periodical

SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL DE HISTÓRIA DA LITERATURA, 6., 2005, Porto Alegre. Anais [...]. Cadernos do Centro de Pesquisas Literárias da PUCRS. Porto Alegre: Ed. PUCRS, v. 12, n. 1, 2006.

SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL DE HISTÓRIA DA LITERATURA, 6., 2005, Porto Alegre. Anais [...]. Cadernos do Centro de Pesquisas Literárias da PUCRS. Porto Alegre: Ed. PUCRS, v. 12, n. 1, 2006. Tema: Literatura: memória e história.

CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE OLERICULTURA, 41.; ENCONTRO SOBRE PLANTAS MEDICINAIS, AROMÁTICAS E CONDIMENTARES, 1., 2001, Brasília, DF. Apresentação, artigos, palestras, instruções.... Horticultura Brasileira. Brasília, DF: Sociedade de Olericultura do Brasil, v. 19, n. 2, jul. 2001. Suplemento. Tema: Dos orgânicos aos transgênicos.

  • Technical Standard

ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. ABNT NBR ISO 12836: odontologia: dispositivos para sistemas CAD/CAM para restaurações dentárias indiretas: métodos de ensaio para avaliação de exatidão. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2017. 14 p.

ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. ABNT NBR 9050: Acessibilidade a edificações, mobiliário, espaços e equipamentos urbanos. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2004. 97 p.

  • Patents

LEHNEN, Romeu. Salto com mecanismo amortecedor. Depositante: Custódio de Almeida & Cia. MU 8803472-0 Y1. Depósito: 09 set. 2008. Concessão: 21 maio 2019.

GALEMBECK, Fernando; SOUZA, Maria de Fátima Brito. Process to obtain an Intercalated or exfoliated polyester with clay hybrid nanocomposite material. Depositante: Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Rhodia Ster S/A. WO2005/030850 A1, Depósito: 1 Oct. 2003, Concessão: 7 Apr. 2005. Disponível em: http://www.iprvillage.Info/portal/servlet/DIIDirect?CC=WO&PN=2005030850&DT=A1&SrcAut. Acesso em: 27 ago. 2010.

  • Law

MINAS GERAIS. Lei n.869, de 5 de julho de 1952. Dispõe sobre o estatuto dos funcionários públicos civis do Estado de Minas Gerais. Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 6 jul. 1952.

BRASIL. Decreto n. 1.799, de 30 de janeiro de 1996. Regulamenta a Lei n. 5.433, de 8 de maio de 1968, que regula a Microfilmagem de documentos oficiais, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial, Brasília, DF, 31 jan. 1996.

BRASIL. Lei nº 7.766, de 11 de maio de 1989. Dispõe sobre o ouro, ativo financeiro, e sobre seu tratamento tributário. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 ago. 2020.

  • Jurisprudence

BRASIL. Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Súmula n° 333. Cabe mandado de segurança contra ato praticado em licitação promovida por sociedade de economia mista ou empresa pública. Brasília, DF: Superior Tribunal de Justiça, [2007]. Disponível em: =&l=10&i=340#TIT333TEMA0. Acesso em: 24 ago 2020.

  • Administrative Act

CONSELHO ESTADUAL DE SAÚDE (Rio de Janeiro). Deliberação nº 05/CES/SES, de 6 de junho de 1997. Aprova o Regimento Interno do Conselho Estadual de Saúde. Diário Oficial [do] Estado do Rio de Janeiro: parte 1: Poder Executivo, Niterói, ano 23, n. 139, p. 29-31, 30 jul. 1997.

BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Ofício circular 017/MEC. Brasília, DF: Ministério da Educação, 26 jan. 2006. Assunto: FUNDEB. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 ago. 2020.

  • Constitution

BRASIL. Constituição (1988). Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. Brasília, DF: Presidência da República, [2016]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 ago. 2020.

RIO GRANDE DO SUL. [Constituição (1989)]. Constituição do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. 4. ed. atual. Porto Alegre: Assembleia Legislativa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 1995.

PARAÍBA. [Constituição (1989)]. Constituição do Estado da Paraíba. Organizado por Francisco Carneiro. João Pessoa: Assembleia Legislativa do Estado da Paraíba, [2015]. Disponível em: dual-Atualizada-at%C3%A9-a-Emenda-40-de-2015.pdf. Acesso em: 29 out. 2020.

BRASIL. [Constituição (1988)]. Emenda constitucional nº 9, de 9 de novembro de 1995. Dá nova redação ao art. 177 da Constituição Federal, alterando e inserindo parágrafos. Lex: legislação federal e marginalia, São Paulo, v. 59, p. 1966, out./dez. 1995

  • Sites

CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Plataforma Sucupira. Brasília, DF: CAPES, c2016. Disponível em: xhtml. Acesso em: 29 out. 2020.

LAYUB. Via Carreira. Página Inicial. [S.l.]. LAYUB, c2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 out. 2020

  • Database

BIREME - Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde. LILACS. São Paulo: BIREME, 2019. Base de dados. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 out. 2020.

COCHRANE. Cochrane Library. St Albans House: Wiley, c2019. Disponível em: https://www. Acesso em: 6 fev. 2019. Base de dados.

  • Blog Article

PACKER, A. L. et al. SciELO pós 20 anos: o futuro continua aberto.In: SCIELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online. SciELO em Perspectiva. São Paulo, 19 dez. 2018. Disponível em: XDYD31xKiUk. Acesso em: 9 jan. 2019.

SCIELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online. Preprints são um problema? Cinco formas de melhorar a qualidade e credibilidade dos preprints. In: SCIELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online. SciELO em Perspectiva. São Paulo, 15 out. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 out. 2020.

  • Social media

OLIVEIRA, José P. M. Repositório digital da UFRGS é destaque em ranking internacional. Maceió, 19 ago. 2011. Twitter: @biblioufal. Disponível em:!/biblioufal. Acesso em: 20 ago. 2011.

MENA-CHALCO, J. As práticas de publicação estão condicionadas pelas políticas de avaliação? [...]. São Paulo, 31 out. 2018. Twitter: @jmenac. Disponível em: jmenac/status/1057660006634536961. Acesso em: 6 jan. 2019.

NASA - NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. Twas the night before launch! The U.S. will soon have two of the most advanced weather satellites ever, operating in tandem. [...]. [S.l.]. 1 mar. 2018. Instagram: @nasa. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 out. 2020.

  • E-mails

SIBi – Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas. Portal de Revistas da USP tem novo design. Destinatário: Rede de bibliotecas do SIBi.. São Paulo: 18 mar. 2020. 1 mensagem eletrônica.

NEVES, Bianca. Relatório de desempenho. Destinatário: Nila Maria. São Paulo: 18 mar. 2020. 1 mensagem eletrônica.

  • Correspondence 

FERREIRA, Paulo. [Correspondência]. Destinatário: José Clóvis Ferreira. Ribeirão Preto, 6 jun. 1996. 1 carta.

LISPECTOR, Clarice. [Carta enviada para suas irmãs]. Destinatário: Elisa e Tânia Lispector. Lisboa, 4 ago. 1944. 1 carta. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 set. 2010.

  • Software 

GORB: Gerador Online de Referências Bibliográficas. versão 1.0 Marília: LAYUB, 2020. 1 software de internet. Disponível em: http:/ Acesso em: 29 out. 2020.

GRAND Theft Auto: San Andreas. 5nd. Edimburgo: Rockstar North, 2004. 1 jogo eletrônico.

SPOTIFY. Versão Estocolmo: Spotify AB, 2020. 1 aplicativo de streaming.

  • Audiovisuals
    • Photography

SASSE, Arthur. Einstein mostrando a língua. 1951. 1 fotografia.

FRANK, Chris. Big and Bigger. 2017. 1 fotografia. 1024 × 683 pixels. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 ago. 2020.

STRUCK, Mathieu. Carnaval de Curitiba. 22 mar. 2020. 1 fotografia . Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 out. 2020.

  • Films

CENTRAL do Brasil. Direção: Walter Salles Júnior. Produção: Martire de ClermontTonnerre e Arthur Cohn. Intérpretes: Fernanda Montenegro, Marilia Pera, Vinicius de Oliveira, Sônia Lira, Othon Bastos, Matheus Nachtergaele et al. Roteiro: Marcos Bernstein, João Emanuel Carneiro e Walter Salles Júnior. [S. l.]: Le Studio Canal; Riofilme; MACT Productions, 1998. 5 rolos de filme (106 min), son., color., 35 mm.

  • Séries

LOST (Temporada 1, ep. 5). Criadores: Jeffrey Lieber; J. J. Abrams; Damon Lindelof. Produtores: Sarah Caplan et al. Hawaii: Produtora ABC Network, 2004. 1 DVD (45 min.), son., color.

HOUSE of cards (primeira temporada). Criação Beau Willimon. Produtores: David Fincher; Kevin Spacey; Eric Roth. S.l.: Media Rights Capital; Panic Pictures, 2013. 13 episódios, son., col. Série exibida pela Netflix. Acesso em: 24 jul. 2019.

  • Internet vídeos  

UM MANIFESTO 2.0 do bibliotecário. Mash up por Laura Cohen. Tradução: Maria José Vicentini Jorente. [S. l.: s. n.], 2007. 1 vídeo (4 min). Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 maio 2010.

O QUE É PLÁGIO acadêmico e quais são suas consequências. Produção: Gabriel José. Reportagem: Gabriel José, Ludmilla Cabral. [S.l.]: TV UFMG, 2018. Publicado pelo canal TV UFMG em 11 abr. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 out. 2020.

  • Podcast

EPISÓDIO 2: O Julgamento. [Locução de]: Branca Vianna. Entrevistados: Jacqueline Pitanguy; Hildete Pereira de Melo; Artur Xexéo et al. Rio de Janeiro: Rádio Novelo, 19 set. 2020. Podcast. (Série Praia dos Ossos). Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 out. 2020.

DRAGÕES de garagem #137: vó Maria: vacinas e escolhas #semanadavacina. [Locução de]: Barbara Paes. [S.l.]: Dragões de Garagem, 14 ago. 2018. Podcast. Disponívem em: http:// Acesso em: 9 jan. 2019.

  • Audiobook

GOMES, Laurentino. 1822. Na voz de Pedro Bial. [S. l.]: Plugme, 2011. 1 audiolivro (CD-ROM).

BAUM, L. F. The wonderful land of Oz. Ledor: Roy Trumbull. [S. l.]: Project Gutenberg, 2005. 1 audiolivro (CD-ROM), extensão MP3 (4 MB)

LOBATO, Monteiro. Narizinho Arrebitado. Na voz de Paola Molinari, Clayton Heringer, Juscelino Filho. [S.l.]: Tocalivros Studios, 2020. 1 audiolivro (online). Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 out. 2020.

  • Music

PROCISSÃO. Intérprete: Gilberto Gil. Compositor: Gilberto Gil. In: EM CONCERTO. Intérprete: Gilberto Gil. Rio de Janeiro: Geleia Geral, 1987. 1 disco vinil, lado A, faixa 2, (2m).

TE ENSINEI certin. Intérprete: Ludmilla. Compositores: Umberto Tavares Oliveira e Jefferson Júnior. In: HELLO Mundo (Ao vivo). Intérprete: Ludmilla. Rio de Janeiro: Warner Music, 2019. Streaming de música Spotify, faixa 2 (4 min). Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 out. 2020.

THE NINE symphonies. Compositor: Ludwig van Beethoven. Orquestra: Wiener Philharmoniker. Regente: Leonard Bernstein. Soprano: Gwyneth Jones. Contralto: Hanna Schwarz. Tenor: René Kollo. Baixo: Kurt Moll. Coro: Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor. Hamburg: Deutsche Gramophon, 1980. 5 CD


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