Memory and social programs of sport and leisure: the inventory of the ‘Second-Half’ Program of the Digital Repository of the Center of Sport Memory


  • Silvana Vilodre Goellner UFRGS
  • Naila Touguinho Lomando UFRGS
  • Ivone Job UFRGS
  • Luciane Silveira Soares UFRGS



Regarding the importance of production and spread of knowledge, this text aims atpresenting some activities developed by the Center of Sport Memory of the School ofPhysical Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (CEME) concerningthe preservation of sport and leisure memory. The study focuses on the recent creationof the institutional repository that shelters the inventory Memory of the ‘Second-Half’Program, which aims at designing strategies to publicize the production of this socialprogram of sport and leisure in order to preserve their memory and spread it in thecommunity as a whole.

Author Biographies

Silvana Vilodre Goellner, UFRGS

Professora do Departamento de Educação Física da UFRGS. Coordenadora do Centro de Memória do Esporte. Pesquisadora do CNPq.Contato:


Naila Touguinho Lomando, UFRGS

Bibliotecária da Escola de Educação Física da UFRGS. Contato:

Ivone Job, UFRGS

Bibliotecária da Escola de Educação Física da UFRGS. Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Movimento Humano – UFRGS. Contato:


Luciane Silveira Soares, UFRGS

Bibliotecária. Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Movimento Humano – UFRGS. Contato:




How to Cite

Goellner, S. V., Lomando, N. T., Job, I., & Soares, L. S. (2012). Memory and social programs of sport and leisure: the inventory of the ‘Second-Half’ Program of the Digital Repository of the Center of Sport Memory. Motrivivência, (38), 89–97.