Time and space of physical education in schools city network
This study aims to identify and analyze the possibilities of demonstrations, their time,space and didactic-pedagogic available in school physical education classes, as well asthe activities developed in the opposite shift to school, for both were made systematicobservations of lessons and extracurricular sports activities. The schools are chosen withthe municipal very distinct realities. We believe our findings after being in a reality thatconstitutes a significant importance on the role of the Physical Education curriculumcomponent in school and their contributions to the formation of a human being that willplay in your life the most varied representations of body culture purposes maintenanceof their quality of life.Downloads
How to Cite
ARAÚJO, Samuel Nascimento de. Time and space of physical education in schools city network. Motrivivência, Florianópolis, n. 39, p. 25–34, 2012. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8042.2012v24n39p25. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/motrivivencia/article/view/2175-8042.2012v24n39p25. Acesso em: 24 nov. 2024.
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