To traffic between territories and high school students: Physical Education, politics and occupation


  • Vivian Marina Redi Pontin Labjor-Unicamp



The purpose of this work is to bring up a discussion about the occupations in schools that have been happening in Brazil in recent years. Its relation with High School is due to a protagonist sketched in such occupations and that gains visibilities and something sayable. The high school student is brought here as a kind of call and connection between politics and physical education. Politics understood here as occupation of the senses, distribution of the sensible and of a common. A minor education policy is therefore created with the aim of dislocating what you look at and say with occupations. It isn't based on an end, on (re)solution, but on questioning intolerables. The power of physical education, in this sense, can be based on the premise that it takes care of body and takes responsibility for that affirmation, choosing affections as what needs to be attentive.

Author Biography

Vivian Marina Redi Pontin, Labjor-Unicamp

Doutora em Ciências Sociais pelo IFCH-Unicamp. Pesquisadora colaboradora do Labjor-Unicamp. Campinas – SP, Brasil. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Pontin, V. M. R. (2018). To traffic between territories and high school students: Physical Education, politics and occupation. Motrivivência, 30(54), 326–341.