The influence of futsal practice for child motor competence




Motor competence is an important component of child development related to the performance of various sports. This study examined the relationship between futsal practice and motor skills in 6-to 10-year old boys. Ninety-nine Brazilian children with a mean age of 8.15 ± 1.18 years participated. The children were divided into two groups (futsal vs. non-practitioners). Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) was used to measure motor competence. The results indicate that futsal practitioners have better results in all tests compared to children who only attend physical education classes. The results show that futsal practitioners obtained better results (t=-4.529, p=0.000). Thus, this study shows that children involved in futsal practice have higher levels of competence in locomotion, stabilization, and object manipulation tests, as well as in total motor competence




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How to Cite

Flôres, F. S., Milani, M. F., Copetti, F., Luz, C., & Cordovil, R. (2020). The influence of futsal practice for child motor competence. Motrivivência, 32(63), 01–13.



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