Glocalization as an emerging area of ??sport management: literature review of published articles on the relationship between the concept of glocalization and sport management




Glocalization, Sport, Sport management, Globalization


Glocalization in sport was introduced as a concept in 2004 in an article published by The British Journal of Sociology, by the authors Richard Giulianotti and Roland Robertson. With a notable growth in the interest on the concept of glocalization in several areas of knowledge, the aim of this study was to make a systematic literature review on how glocalization is being used in research in the field of sport management. In this research, 62 articles were found in which the concept of glocalization was used in sports management research, published between 2004 to 2021. One important result was that 22 countries from 5 continents were studied in these 62 articles, in addition to 13 different sports modalities, which demonstrates that this link between glocalization and sport management is growing, and not being studied in isolation in a few countries or few sports modalities.

Author Biographies

Roger Luiz Brinkmann, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutorando em Ciências

Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Esporte, São Paulo, Brasil

Ary José Rocco Júnior, USP


Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de Esporte, São Paulo, Brasil


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How to Cite

Brinkmann, R. L., & Rocco Júnior, A. J. (2022). Glocalization as an emerging area of ??sport management: literature review of published articles on the relationship between the concept of glocalization and sport management. Motrivivência, 34(65).



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