Globalization and higher education: the discussion of Bologna


  • José Brites Ferreira ESEL - Porto Moniz - Portugal



This round-table focused on the theme Globalization and higher education: the discussion of Bologna and was presented at the VII Conference of Curricular Studies (III Portuguese-brazilian Conference), “Globalization and (un)equalities: curricular challenges”, that took place in Braga, PT, University of Minho (from 9 to 11 February 2006). The first article (by Maria Célia Marcondes de Moraes, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), presents the main trends of the global university and their relationship with Bologna´s proposals and, in the context of Brazilian postgraduate evaluation, underpins two relevant topics, the new paradigm of evaluation and its impacts on research and postgraduate courses. The second article (by José Carlos Morgado, Universidade do Minho) discuss the curricular changes that have been proposed for contemporary higher education. Its point of depart are the shifts on the relationship among University, State and Society and it thinks over the new functions assigned to the university, particularly to teachers, in a context of intense globalization and of the hegemony of economic criteria that superposes cultural and scientific principles. The last article (by José Brites Ferreira, Escola Superior de Educação de Leiria), focus on three aspects. First, it draws some notes related to changes, pressures and challenges that face higher education. Second, it discusses theprocess of reconfiguration of European higher education after the creation of EEES. Finally, it presents the curricular
challenges put forward by the construction of this space and the curricular logic that underpins it.



How to Cite

Ferreira, J. B. (2006). Globalization and higher education: the discussion of Bologna. Perspectiva, 24(1), 229–242.