Globalization, education and cultural diversity


  • José Marín Universidade de Genebra



This article attempts to approach the problem of globalization and its consequences on the preservation of biodiversity and cultural diversity.These reflections are based on the historical    perspective of the westernization of the world which began with the European colonial domination in the XV th century. The western ethnocentric domination in the grip of neo-liberal ideology, including economicand financial rule and the control of information and communications by multinational companies, tries to imposea cultural standardization. Globalizationis greatly limited by the fact that it does not offer society a viable model. This analysis springs from an intercultural
reflection.    Trying to understand globalization in its different aspects brings us to study and comprehend the deep links between global and local.
Education, as a means of transmitting world visions, knowledge and values, is facing a historical challenge whenit comes to protect and preserve cultural diversity.



How to Cite

Marín, J. (2002). Globalization, education and cultural diversity. Perspectiva, 20(2), 377–403.