La construcción del "otro" en los textos de Historia para el nivel medio de la escuela argentina


  • Susana Ferreyra Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Griselda Osorio Escuela de C. M. Belgrano



History is considered a specially strategic discipline at the  oment of transmitting cultural patterns and social epresentatíons, supported by text books as a pedagogical resource. This paper tries to show a comparative analysis among modem and contemporary History handbooks published in Argentina OOtween 1951 and 1960, and also the ones produced from 1995 until now, for students of de second year in bachilleratos and Iiceos, which further on became E. G. B. (in the national system) or C. B. U. (in Cordoba's educational system). From a first approach (to be developed in a future research), it seems that the conceptions of History that students are told, focus on the History of Westem Civilizatíon with few extra references to other people's history. This clear ethnocentric view emphasizes Westem culture and ignores othels. This fact, which can 00 mainly detected in the oldest text books, lets us think the ethnocentric speech could lead students build their conceptions of "identity" (theirs and others) trom simplist or negative stereotypes, specially if these "others" are Latinoamericans or aborigens, and consequently, don't OOlong to the european civilization.



How to Cite

Ferreyra, S., & Osorio, G. (1999). La construcción del "otro" en los textos de Historia para el nivel medio de la escuela argentina. Perspectiva, 89–97.