A formação do professor de História


  • Carlos Eduardo dos Reis Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis




The present article discusses the process of disqualification ofthe professionals connected with humans sciences, during the last decades, with a especial emphasis on who teach History. It looks at some important moments of the fight of these professionals, during the 70s and the aos who strongly opposed to the decharacterization of history teaching, through the implantation of the discipline called "Social Studies", by the law 5692/71. It attempts to show the increasing dissociation betwen learning and research, just Iike the cristalization of the conception of a stagnant History, representing points expressed in dates and periods, associated to a system of pre - conceived Knowledge, makes the disqualification and devaluation on these professionals increase, causing further deterioration of Iife and work conditions.



How to Cite

Reis, C. E. dos. (1999). A formação do professor de História. Perspectiva, 49–63. https://doi.org/10.5007/%x