Donna Haraway and the Implosion of the Modern Science Project




Nature-Culture, Cyborg, Objectivity, Situated Knowledges, Modest Witness


This work aims to analysing Donna Haraway's techno-feminism, her critical reading of the construction of the modern science project, based on the separation between nature and culture. To understand it, we will analyse three texts written between the 1980s and 1990s: The Cyborg Manifesto, Situated Knowledge and Modest Witness. Her concept of cyborg and fractured identities, and his criticism of the construction of the figure of the scientist as a subject from “nowhere” and, therefore, the only one capable of giving valid and reliable testimony, explore the impossibility of a system that tends to implode. If there is no scientific objectivity that is not implied in a location, the scientist or the “modest witness” is embodied and his gaze, like that of all, as well as his production is always partial.


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Author Biography

Maria Helena Silva Soares, Rio de Janeiro State University

É Professora Adjunta de Filosofia no Instituto de Aplicação Fernando Rodrigues da Silveira-CAp UERJ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro). Doutora em Filosofia pela UERJ (2021). Recebeu o prêmio Master 2 da Association Internationale Gaston Bachelard, em 2020, por sua dissertação de mestrado sobre Bachelard. E menção honrosa pelo prêmio Capes de Teses 2022, pela tese “A natureza-cultura em construção: histórias de filosofia e ciência sobre corpos e feminismos”.


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How to Cite

Silva Soares, M. H. (2024). Donna Haraway and the Implosion of the Modern Science Project. Revista Estudos Feministas, 32(2).




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