Malba Tahan, its concepts present in the current




Mathematics teachers concerned with the learning of their students are always in search of new methodologies that facilitate the learning process, especially those that work with students of the Support Room, where the students who attend them, present great difficulties of understanding the mathematical contents . Thus, this article seeks to report a research and a pedagogical intervention in a learning support room, with the aim of presenting the ideas of Malba Tahan and his teaching practice as an instrument to help in the work of the teacher. In order to reach this objective, a questionnaire was carried out with teachers of mathematics of the State Teaching Network of the Coast of Paraná, in order to verify the knowledge of the same about the work of Malba Tahan and in the sequence were applied some methods proposed by the author in a class Of Room of support of the State School Rock Pombo, to verify if they are really effective. Among the obtained results, the low index of teachers who know the ideas of Malba Tahan on the teaching of mathematics and the effectiveness of these methods to minimize the difficulty in the learning of the students stands out.

Author Biographies

Liceia Alves Pires, Universidade Estadual do Paraná - Campus de Paranaguá

Mestrado pela Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil(2002).
Professor Titular da Universidade Estadual do Paraná , Brasil.

Adrieli Apolinário, UNESPAR - Campus Paranaguá

Graduação pelo UNESPAR -Campus Paranaguá , Brasil(2015).
Servidor Público da Prefeitura Municipal de Morretes , Brasil.




