Mediating The Construction Of Scenarios Animated By Students With Indicatives Of High Skills / Superdotation




The research sought to understand the role of communication and how it occurs in the construction of animated scenarios in mathematics teaching for students with indicatives of AH/SD. This is a qualitative study of an interpretative nature, whose data analysis took two episodes as anelement, each occurring in a Multifunctional Resource Room II (SRM II) of a public school, with students with indications of High Skills andGiftedness ( AH/SD). The data used include the planning and audio and video recordings of the computer screens used by the students. It was identified in communication as social interaction, focusing on the action of questioning in the light of Inquiry based-learning possibilities of jointconstruction of mathematical meanings explored during the construction of animated scenarios in GeoGebra software. There was also a need tobuild frameworks for anticipating student strategies and teacher actions against these strategies in order to ensure student-student and student-teacher-student interactions throughout the class, promoting the construction and appropriation of mathematical meanings by the group.


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