Knowledge of Median and Mean Properties by End High School Students




This article studies the knowledge of Brazilian high school students about the properties of the median and mean that derive from data transformations or declared assertions. To this end, a quantitative, descriptive study was implemented, in which 104 students from the 3rd year of a public high school in the region of São Paulo participated. Data were obtained through the application of an online questionnaire, of which we will study only three of these questions here, exactly those that concern median and mean properties. In the question of open items, we asked about the change in the median and the mean by adding a constant value to all data, and in the two questions of closed items, one questioned whether the median decreases/increases/maintains when adding one or two data under certain conditions and the other questioned whether certain statements were true or false. In terms of results, in general, students revealed many difficulties in open items, while in closed items students performed better. In view of these results, it is concluded that students have a somewhat limited conceptual knowledge of the median and mean, and that more attention should be paid to them in teaching.

Author Biography

José António Fernandes, Universidade do Minho

Departamento de Estudos Integrados de Literacia, Didáctica e Supervisão


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