Digital Information and Communication Technologies in Physics Education teaching courses at a federal public university: “uses” established by professors in the undergraduate programs
This study aims to analyze the uses that professors of undergraduate physics education courses at a Federal Public University make of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (Digital ICT) in their teaching. This is an exploratory study and uses documents and semi-structured interview as sources of data collection. By the means of the Discursive Textual Analysis four emergent categories were also identified in this study: (i) The place of Digital ICT subjects in the Physics Education undergraduate course; (Ii) Uses of techniques; (Iii) Uses of technology in the education process of the undergraduate students – relation with the education processes of the course professor; (IV) What network is there in this education process? The results indicate that the uses of Digital ICT in the undergraduate Physics Education course involve different ways of usage that are created in a dynamic setting based on techniques that are not necessarily pure techniques but are interwoven with theoretical and methodological aspects of teaching and learning, the educational process designed for its development, and the dialogue established among the possible educational contexts for the use of technologies. Moreover, we discuss the perspective of universalization of the interconnection network since the use of the Internet (in the dimension of collective knowledge construction) is limited in the University and in the context of k-12 education.
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Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil - - - eISSN 2175-7941 - - - está licenciada sob Licença Creative Commons > > > > >