Talking to a scientist: comprehension of physics teachers about the production of scientific knowledge
Physics Teachers, Open Problems, Production of Scientific KnowledgeAbstract
The field of Science Education has sought to present science in a less caricatured way. In this context, one of the main criticisms of physics teaching is that the science taught in schools often reproduces misconceptions, especially when dealing with the production of scientific knowledge. In this context, an elementary school teacher, a scientist from the field of Materials Physics and two researchers from the field of Science Education carried out a study focusing on the understanding of high school physics teachers about the production of scientific knowledge. The teachers who took part in this research are all from southern Minas Gerais and work in public schools. The results suggest that having academic degrees such as a master's or doctorate does not always indicate a good understanding of the production of scientific knowledge. Teachers taking part in the research who only have an undergraduate degree performed better in the study regarding their understanding of the production of this knowledge. These results indicate that it is important for undergraduates to experience knowledge production processes during their initial training. We also believe it is necessary for scientists to disseminate their research in schools, so that they can talk about the production of scientific knowledge with teachers and students.
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