Etiology of Sexual Orientation and its Implications to the Kinesis Science/ Etiology of Sexual Orientation.


  • Fernando Luiz Cardoso UDESC



This article discusses some theoretical contributions in the field of sexual orientation, as well as, important concepts and their articulation with on of sexual orientation extremes – the homosexuality. I avoided taking the comfortable posture politically correct when trying to discuss these categories of the sexuality based only on data and evidences, and not only on concepts and unnoticeable fallacious. The purpose of this discussion is to reorganize in Portuguese some theories in order to clarify this subject to guide future researches inside of kinesis science with more explanatory stamp that is going to influence the political perception of bodyness.

Author Biography

Fernando Luiz Cardoso, UDESC

 Professor Adjunto junto ao Programa de Mestrado em Ciência do Movimento Humano da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – UDESC. Mestre em Antropologia Social pela UFSC, Mestre em Saúde Pública pelo IASHS (EUA) e Doutor em Sexualidade Humana pelo IASHS (EUA). Produção cientifica recente: 1. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz . O Conceito de orientação sexual na encruzilhada entre sexo, gênero e Motricidade. (C internacional).. Revista Interamericana de Psicologia, v. 42, n. 2, p. 24, 2008. 2. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz . Similar faces of same-sex sexual behavior: A comparative ethnographical study in Brazil, Turkey and Thailand. (factor de impacto .3 - B internacional) . Journal of Homosexuality, USA, 2008. 3. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz . Recalled Sex-Typed Behavior in Childhood and Sports Preferences in Adulthood of Heterosexual, Bisexual, and Homosexual Men from Brazil, Turkey, and Thailand. (fator de impacto 2.3 - A internacional). Archives of Sexual Behavior, v. 37, p. 11, 2008. 4. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz . Some Considerations on the Limitations Confronting the Cross-cultural Field of Sex Research. (C internacional). Sexuality and Culture, v. 12, p. 20-37, 2008. 5. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz ; SABBAG, Samantha ; BELTRAME, Thais Silva . Prevalência de transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade em relação ao gênero de escolares. (C internacional).. Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano, Florianópolis, v. 9, p. 52-59, 2007. 6. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz . Sexual survey: A cross-cultural perspective sexual survey. (A nacional).. Psicologia. Teoria e Pesquisa, Florianópolis, v. 23, n. 1, p. 71-80, 2007. 7. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz . Inversões do papel de gênero: drag queens, travestismo e transexualismo [Gender identity inversion: drag queens, transvestism and transexualism]. (A nacional).. Psicologia. Reflexão e Crítica, Porto Alegre (RS), v. 18, n. 3, p. 421-430, 2005. 8. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz . Cultural universals and differences in male homosexuality: the case of a Brazilian fishing village. (fator de impacto 2.3 - A internacional). Archives of Sexual Behavior, EUA, v. 34, n. 1, p. 105-111, 2005. 9. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz ; FELIPE, Maura Lúcia. ; HEDEGAARD, Claus. Gender divergence in physical education classes. (A nacional).. Psicologia. Teoria e Pesquisa, Brasília, v. 21, n. 3, p. 349-357, 2005. 10. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz ; WERNER, Dennis . Homosexuality. (A internacional).. In: Ember & Ember. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender.. 1 ed. . New Haven (CT) - EUA.: Human Relations Area Files., 2004, v. 1, p. 204-215. 11. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz . Fishermen: masculinity and sexuality in a Brazilian fishing community. (C internacional).. Sexuality and Culture, New Jersey (NJ) - EUA, v. 6, n. 4, p. 45-72, 2002. 12. CARDOSO, Fernando Luiz . O que é orientação sexual? (A nacional).. 2ª. ed. São Paulo (SP): Brasiliense, 1996. v. 2. 74 p.



How to Cite

Cardoso, F. L. (2009). Etiology of Sexual Orientation and its Implications to the Kinesis Science/ Etiology of Sexual Orientation. Motrivivência, (30), 197–216.