Psychological benefits of slackline: relationship between flow state, time of practice and quality of life
This study aimed to assess and measure the level of flow state of slackline practitioners and to relate it to the their quality of life. We evaluated 30 subjects with mean age of 22 (± 3) years. The instruments used: Identification sheet; Flow State Scale-2 (FSS-2), Dispositional Flow Scale-2 (DFS-20) and World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQoL-BREF). To verify the correlation between the instruments the Spearman coefficient was used, in which it was possible to observe high levels of flow state and general quality of life. A significant correlation was found between the psychological quality of life factor and the disposition to reach the flow along with the practice time and duration of the training session. We conclude that the practice of slackline allows the development of psychological aspects, such as the state of flow and with that allows the improvement in the quality of life of its practitioners.
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