Historians of the world unite! Eric Hobsbawm and the Communist Party Historians Group, 1946-1956


  • Emile Chabal Reader em História na University of Edinburgh (Escócia)




How do historians become historians? Some might say that all it takes is dedication to the profession and a talent for reading archival sources. But the reality of the profession is rather more complex. Eric Hobsbawm - one of the most famous historians of the twentieth-century - is a perfect example of this. His journey from a bright doctoral student to a global household name was not inevitable; instead, it involved a complex web of friendships and contacts that enabled him to speak knowledgeably to (and about) a huge range of audiences. In this article,
I explore one of the most important aspects of his historical apprenticeship: his membership of the Communist Party Historians Group. This became one of the pre-eminent forums for the development of Hobsbawm’s ideas in the 1940s and 50s - and, through the richness of its discussions, left a lasting impression on Marxist historiography.


Historians of the world unite! Eric Hobsbawm and the Communist Party Historians Group, 1946-1956

Author Biography

Emile Chabal, Reader em História na University of Edinburgh (Escócia)

Doutor em História pela University of Cambridge (Inglaterra). Reader em História na University of Edinburgh (Escócia). Especialista em História Política e Intelectual Europeia do século XX, especialmente na França. Com várias publicações no campo, como o livro A Divided Republic: nation, state and citizenship in contemporary France (Cambridge, 2015). Atualmente, desenvolve uma biografia intelectual em recorte global do historiador marxista Eric Hobsbawm. E-mail: emile.chabal@ed.ac.uk . Website: http://www.homepages.ed.ac.uk/echabal/


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How to Cite

CHABAL, Emile. Historians of the world unite! Eric Hobsbawm and the Communist Party Historians Group, 1946-1956. Revista Mundos do Trabalho, Florianópolis, v. 10, n. 19, p. 71–82, 2019. DOI: 10.5007/1984-9222.2018v10n19p71. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/mundosdotrabalho/article/view/1984-9222.2018v10n19p71. Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.