Uma visão crítica sobre as relações entre a filosofia da educação e as ciências da educação


  • Filipe Ceppas Universidade Gama Filho (UGF), Rio de Janeiro



The text presents some arguments on the relationship among philosophy,pedagogy and the sciences of education aiming to point out aspects concerning philosophy of education. Philosophy, in its own, can be conceived as a kind of reflection which thinks and tries to understand features of the pedagogical processes and, at the same time, is itself a pedagogical activity. The article begins questioning a certain
conception of philosophy that frequently underlies the relationship between philosophy and pedagogy: that is, a conception that thinks philosophy as a more fundamental knowledge about educational problems. The article vindicate that if philosophy can strongly contribute to understand educational problems, of course never giving up it’s critical apprehension of reality, it has a lot to learn with the so called “sciences of education”, which are better prepared to investigate the “sensible contour”, or practical aspects of the knowledge process of learning/ transmitting, beyond “formal instruction” and/or transmitting/construction of “erudite knowledge” (savoir savant).

Author Biography

Filipe Ceppas, Universidade Gama Filho (UGF), Rio de Janeiro

Formado em Filosofia pela UnB,  mestrado em Filosofia (1997) e doutorado em Educação (2003) pela PUC-RJ. É professor efetivo da Universidade Gama Filho. Nome completo. Filipe Ceppas de Carvalho e Faria. Mais informações:



How to Cite

Ceppas, F. (2001). Uma visão crítica sobre as relações entre a filosofia da educação e as ciências da educação. Perspectiva, 19(2), 493–508.