Shifts in the political racional for professional education for the deaf: from contraI of deviation of the species to tolerance and respect for diversity


  • Madalena Klein UFPEL, Pelotas (RS),



Professional education of the deaf is analyzcd in this artide based on a look at the policies of professional training involved in different times and spaces, using as a reference actions undertaken in schooIs and by deaf movements. The article discusses the argument that these programs serve a political rationale that points in the direction of the conduet of the subjects involved. An analysis of documents indicates that the emphasis on the controI of the challenge of the species - abnormaI deaf - revealed by thc practices and the discourses of rehabilitation in professional training, as becn shifted toward tolerance and respcct for diversity, with deaf people being considered as a minority linguistic group.



How to Cite

Klein, M. (2006). Shifts in the political racional for professional education for the deaf: from contraI of deviation of the species to tolerance and respect for diversity. Perspectiva, 24(3), 101–118.