Relações creche e famílias, a quantas andam?


  • Maria Aparecida Maistro



The objective of this paper is to reflect on a study conductedby govemment social service department at a public day-care-center of theRMF, which sought to understand some of the feelings and meanings woveninto the relationships between the day-care center and families. It was possibleto detect some of the important factors in the relationships between the day-care center and the family such as: differing altitudes and perspectives; alack of dialogue, which makes it difficult to express and confront the differentexpectations of the role of the day-care center, both for the professionals aswell as for the families; aclimate of separation; the persistence of a stereotypednotion of the typical family that is idealized, fragmented and prejudiced. Theresults obtained indicate the need to coordinate an educational and socialservice project that reaches professionals at the day-care center, in order togive new meaning to their professional identity as well as to decrease theprejudices that our society still has about children and their families.

Author Biography

Maria Aparecida Maistro

Professora do Centro de Investigação sobre Desenvolvimento e Educação Infantil, vinculado à Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo.



How to Cite

Maistro, M. A. (1999). Relações creche e famílias, a quantas andam?. Perspectiva, 17(1), 49–60.