Indigenous Education: a reflection on its Theoretical, ideological and political foundations


  • Andrea Lisset Pérez Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis



This article discusses different approaches in the theoretical field of indigenous education. It is based on the essay by Marcel Mauss, Transmission de la cohesion sociale tradition, èducation (Transmission of social cohesion, tradition and education), which analyzes factors such as: the meaning of tradition, the dimension of daily life, corporal learning, the principles of sex and age in social classification and in ritual initiation, among others; which now constitute important lines of research that are being explored by the Anthropology of Education. Based on this theoretical panorama, a critical review is conducted of the notion of the Indigenous School, which is limited and reduced to the model of “formal education”, as in the Western tradition. This reproduces and maintains the hegemonic forms of socialization and causes indigenous children to experience the conflict with a system that devalues their cultural learning and world vision and values and that does not generate bridges of translatability. The criticism that is formulated concerns the mechanical relationship that is established between formal education and school space, indicating that it is not only possible but necessary to think of the deconstruction of this relationship in order to search in the broader context of education and daily social life for alternatives that allow conducting a process of elementary education that reformulates the hegemonic condition of the School.



How to Cite

Pérez, A. L. (2007). Indigenous Education: a reflection on its Theoretical, ideological and political foundations. Perspectiva, 25(1), 227–244.



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