Field education and youth education and adults education in the state of mato grosso: an unstable route




This article discusses the education field and the Youth and Adults Education in Mato Grosso state with a view to present trajectory of the elements of these two education modalities from the 1990s. The same results from theoretical studies, experience as teachers of the Youth and Adults Education and Field Education, and also from empirical research in a school of the city of Nossa Senhora do Livramento, which covers fourteen rooms attached in the form of Youth and Adults Education. The developed reflections point to the 1990s as a contradictory period when public policies were  developed in the neoliberal perspective, while the decade of education was established for all and in the same time a new concept of Field Education in the Brazilian society emerges.  It is from the year 2000  that significant changes in then the education area arises and public policies are  instituted in  the National Curricular Guidelines for Youth and Adults Education (CNE / CEB 11/2000), and the National Curriculum Guidelines for Field Education (CNE / CEB 36/2001), and organisms were created  in the state structure to develop them. However, the present points to instability and setbacks of the advances made in just over a decade.

Author Biographies

Isaura Isabel Conte, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, UNEMAT

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

Leonir Amantino Boff, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, UNEMAT

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do sul.



How to Cite

Conte, I. I., & Boff, L. A. (2018). Field education and youth education and adults education in the state of mato grosso: an unstable route. Perspectiva, 36(2), 627–649.