Pavel V. Kopnin’s dialectic logic criticism: relevance to educational research and pedagogical practice




Texts from Russian philosopher Pavel V. Kopnin (1922-1971) have been object of spread in Latin America, as well as often quoted in academic papers. His work has been part of object of study of authors in different research projects. The aim has been to show the relevance of Pavel V. Kopnin’s legacy to dialectic-materialistic philosophy, as well as educational research and pedagogical practice. One realized a logical-critical analysis of a selection of relevant themes of his postulates. Method has beeb hermeneutic analysis of Kopnin’s texts, compared to Marx’s, Engels’ and Lenin’s classical works. One was possible to conclude that Pavel V. Kopnin’s thought shows notorious contributions to dialectic-materialistic epistemology, but inside it one detects limitations that must be timely criticised, when one makes use of education research as well as in teaching work.

Author Biographies

Alberto Matías González, Universidade de Sancti Spiritus (UNISS), Cuba.

Doutor em Gestão Ambiental y Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Pós-doutor em Educação. Professor Titular da Universidade de Sancti Spiritus (UNISS), Cuba.

Orlando Fernández Aquino, Universidade de Uberaba, MG. Brasil

Doutor e Pós-doutor em Educação. Professor-pesquisador do Programa de Pósgraduação em Educação (Mestrado e Doutorado) da Universidade de Uberaba (UNIUBE), MG. Brasil



How to Cite

González, A. M., & Aquino, O. F. (2018). Pavel V. Kopnin’s dialectic logic criticism: relevance to educational research and pedagogical practice. Perspectiva, 36(3), 1007–1030.