Systemic transformations, anthropological mutations e (im)possibility of educating




Capitalism, Subjectivation, Education


This article analyses the systemic transformations that are taking place in capitalist social formations in the post-liberal era, first in monopolist, authoritarian capitalism and, after the crisis of Fordism, in the neo-liberal era. These transformations are analyzed in relation to the anthropological mutations that constitute the center of Theodor W. Adorno's reflection. The changes in the neoliberal labour regime and their effects on the processes of subjectivation, rather than denying these mutations, continue and strengthen them. The changes that have taken place in education systems in the neo-liberal era act as an adaptation mechanism to the aforementioned transformations and favor complaisance to systemic imperatives.

Author Biographies

José Antonio Zamora, Instituto de Filosofía do Conselho Superior de Investigações Científicas, Madrid, Espanha

Doutor pela Wilhelms-Universität de Münster, Alemanha
Cientista Titular do Instituto de Filosofia/CCHS do Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Espanha.

Jordi Maiso Blasco, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doutor pela Universidade de Salamanca (Espanha) em 2010 com uma pesquisa sobre Theodor W. Adorno, que recebeu o prêmio extraordinário de doutorado. 


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How to Cite

Zamora, J. A., & Maiso Blasco, J. (2022). Systemic transformations, anthropological mutations e (im)possibility of educating. Perspectiva, 40(1), 1–25.



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