Challenges and opportunities in serving gifted students in inclusive schools




Giftedness, Inclusion, Odisseia school enrichment program


Education is a right for all and to achieve this goal it must be inclusive. A school and a society that embrace diversity benefit from differences and become fairer in meeting the actual needs of each individual. Focusing on the education of gifted students, from a scientific and educational practice perspective, there has been an emphasis on the need to create an educational environment that welcomes and nurtures abilities and diversity of talents. However, some countries, such as Portugal, are slow to define specific educational measures for these students, when research actually points in the opposite direction. In this work, we offer brief considerations on catering to gifted or highly talented students in an inclusive school. We briefly analyze how Portugal has been promoting the right to quality education with equity for gifted or highly talented students. Finally, we illustrate the relevance of catering to gifted students in the educational context with a description of the "Odisseia" program, a talent development program within regular schools. We hope to contribute to a reflection on catering to gifted students in an inclusive school.

Author Biography

Lúcia Cerqueira de Miranda, Associação para o Desenvolvimento e Investigação em Psicologia da Educação

Doutora em Psicologia da Educação/ Universidade do Minho, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Cerqueira de Miranda, L. (2023). Challenges and opportunities in serving gifted students in inclusive schools. Perspectiva, 41(3).



Dossier Giftedness: researches and educational practices