Questioning and subverting colonialist practices in the classroom: critical needs analysis in teaching Portuguese as a Host Language




Critical Pedagogy, Portuguese as a Host Language, Needs Analysis


In the last 10 years, an increase of 24,4% in the annual number of immigrants registered in Brazilian territory (SANIELE, 2021) is estimated. Regardless of economic, political and social reasons that influence migration, it is possible to say that the teaching of Portuguese arises as an important tool for immigrants searching for job opportunities, education, and overall socialization. In this context, this article aims at discussing the importance of a critical perspective in the teaching of Portuguese for immigrants and refugees in Brazil. More specifically, we start from the discussion regarding the concept of host language (LOPEZ; DINIZ, 2019) to defend the importance of a type of language education based on social justice. Therefore, we introduce the main elements of critical pedagogy (FREIRE, 2005) and of critical pedagogy to language teaching (CROOKES, 2013) as possibilities for a pedagogical practice that resignifies the teaching of Portuguese in an attempt to avoid the reproduction of colonial practices of teaching. Based on a critical analysis of the needs of immigrants and refugees in the south of Brazil (MARCELINO, 2020), we highlight that the teaching of Portuguese should have the reality and needs of students as a starting point, as well as promote intercultural encounters that value their identities, histories and knowledge.

Author Biographies

Ana Flávia Boeing Marcelino, University of Chicago

Has an M.A. degree by the Graduate Program in English: Linguistic and Literary Studies (PPGI - UFSC). Graduated in Letras - English from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). She has been a Leitora/Visiting Research Associate (Instituto Guimarães Rosa/Itamaraty) at the University of Chicago (Illinois, USA) since September 2022. She was a temporary Portuguese/English teacher for the Catarinense Federal Institute (IFC), Fraiburgo campus, and served as the local coordinator of the IFC Language Center (CLIFC). She served as Outreach and Social Media Coordinator for the TBLT Language Learning Task Bank (2020-2022). She was a teacher of the Extracurricular Courses of Portuguese for Foreigners at UFSC and is linked to the Center for Research and Teaching of Portuguese as a Foreign Language, with which she acted as an administrator of the CELPE-BRAS exam from 2017 to 2019. She was a volunteer in the PLAM project: Português as a Host Language (2016-2022), acting as a teacher and volunteer coordinator. She is interested in the area of Applied Linguistics, focusing on teaching PLE and Portuguese as a Host Language for immigrants and refugees; as well as in the teaching of English as a foreign language in university contexts and basic public education. She is part of the AQUILES Research Group: Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language: Theoretical, pedagogical and research methodology issues.

Leonardo da Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC, SC, Brasil

Professor do Departamento de Língua e Literatura Estrangeiras (DLLE) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Doutor pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês: Estudos Linguísticos e Literários (UFSC) com concentração em Estudos da Linguagem. Mestre em Estudos Culturais pelo mesmo programa e Licenciado em Letras/Inglês e Literaturas (UFSC). Seus interesses de pesquisa incluem: a abordagem baseada em tarefas, a Pedagogia Crítica no ensino de línguas, e questões de identidade (raça, classe, gênero, sexualidade, deficiência, geração) nos campos da Literatura e da Linguística Aplicada.


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How to Cite

Marcelino, A. F. B. ., & Silva, L. da. (2023). Questioning and subverting colonialist practices in the classroom: critical needs analysis in teaching Portuguese as a Host Language. Perspectiva, 41(1), 1–24.



A Critical Gaze to Additional Language Education: Pedagogical and Formative Pos