Queer and AIDS at the Queermuseu exhibition
Queer, AIDS, ExhibitionAbstract
This article covers the manifestation of queer and AIDS in the exhibition Queermuseu: Cartographies of difference in Brazilian art. Curated by Gaudêncio Fidelis, the exhibition opened and censored in 2017. It is contextualized from its premature closure and from the criticisms it received for its fragile approach to difference. Based on the considerations of authors such as David Getsy (2016), Douglas Crimp (2004), Guacira Louro (2001), and Larissa Pelúcio (2014), the relationship between queer and disease was investigated in the texts of the exhibition catalog, using as a method the content analysis. This study allowed us to realize that the approach to the theme in the exhibition was superficial, without presenting a satisfactory theoretical debate or even a solid concept about queer, being one of the main signs of this fragility, the ignorance about its relationship with the AIDS crisis.
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