P’urhépecha Women: Word, Territory, and Autonomy Defenders





Indigenous peoples, Feminism, Communication, Social movements, México


This article addresses the role of P’urhépecha women in Cheran, a Mexican geostrategic area where, through an uprising on April 15th 2011, they recovered the territory occupied by organized crime and drug trafficking that had devastated a third of the forests. With this action, P’urhépecha women also recovered the communication system of community sociocultural structures for their antisystemic autonomic project and their uses and customs. By using ethnographic methods, interviews, oral history, and territory-body mapping for gender-based analysis, this qualitative study aims to understand the relationship between indigenous feminism and communication for the construction of alternative modernities.


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Author Biography

Betsy Malely Linares Sánchez, Universidad Autónoma de Méjico

PhD and MA in Latin American Studies from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Journalist, photographer and Bachelor in Social Sciences. She has worked in the coordination, planning, management and execution of social projects in the area of Human Rights with peasant and indigenous populations in Mexico and Colombia. Currently, she is a doctoral student in Education and Social Communication at the University of Malaga.

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How to Cite

Postigo Gómez, I., & Linares Sánchez, B. M. . (2023). P’urhépecha Women: Word, Territory, and Autonomy Defenders. Revista Estudos Feministas, 31(1). https://doi.org/10.1590/1806-9584-2023v31n181239




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