The afterlife of Sylvia Plath: work mutilation, censorship of a life




Sylvia Plath, Posthumous publications, Censorship, Authorship, Biography


By analyzing censorship imposed on Sylvia Plath’s posthumous published works, this paper raises the destinations which Sylvia Plath’s name and image took after her death. Three publications were investigated: Ariel, Letters Home by Sylvia Plath and The Journals of Sylvia Plath. Through Rose (2013), Malcolm (2012) and Carvalho (2003), this research determines that such interventions aimed to offer an image of the author which was more convenient to those responsible for her estate. It also distinguishes the roles of the public and the critics in receiving those first editions and ascertains the impossibility of capturing Plath into a rigid identity, since the biographical elements used in her works are closer to a subjectivation process than to fixing a unique truth.


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Author Biography

Isabella Giordano Bezerra, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Possui graduação em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2013) e em Design Gráfico - Faculdades Integradas Barros Melo (2017). Realizou PIBIC em Psicologia Cognitiva com bolsa fornecida pelo CNPq, com pesquisa sobre os processos de subjetivação de crianças na recepção da literatura infantil. É mestre em Teoria Literária pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação da UFPE, título obtido como bolsista do CNPq. Doutoranda pelo mesmo programa, onde pesquisa a autoria feminina com ênfase em teoria feminista e esquizoanálise.


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McCULLOUGH, Frances. “Editor's note”. In: PLATH, Sylvia. The journals of Sylvia Plath. New York: Ballantine House, 1982. p. XI-XII.

PLATH, Sylvia. Ariel. Campinas: Verus, 2010.

PLATH, Sylvia. A redoma de vidro. São Paulo: Biblioteca Azul, 2014.

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How to Cite

Bezerra, I. G. (2023). The afterlife of Sylvia Plath: work mutilation, censorship of a life. Revista Estudos Feministas, 31(2).




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