Translating the text and paratranslating the image between book culture and screen culture


  • José Yuste Frías Universidade de Vigo.Vigo,



Translation, Paratranslation, Screens, Image, Transcreation


Thanks to the notion of paratranslation, professional translators are now more cognizant than ever of the paratextuality engendered by the ubiquitous presence of visual elements in translation processes. This implies a screen culture that provides a new, conscious perspective on paratextuality, different from the traditional emphasis on textuality within book culture. Teaching how to translate in the 21st century involves gaining consciousness about the transformation brought about by the digital (r)evolution, which has transformed both the know-how and learning procedures of those who, in the future, will devote their professional lives to reading and interpreting, to translating not only verbal elements (texts) but, above all, images (paratexts). This paper begins by drawing attention to the key role of the image in translation, based on the theoretical approach to the notion of paratranslation created at the University of Vigo in 2005. It aims to enhance the pedagogy of the image as a crucial element in translation procedures for international communication in the digital era. Lastly, this paper highlights how book culture on one side and screen culture on the other are, in fact, two complementary cultures when it comes to training professionals in both text translation and image paratranslation.


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How to Cite

Yuste Frías, J. (2023). Translating the text and paratranslating the image between book culture and screen culture. Cadernos De Tradução, 43(1), 1–46.

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