Innovation in small and medium enterprises: the influence of absorptive capacity
Innovation Capacity, Absorptive Capacity, Small and medium-sized enterprises, Structural equations modelingAbstract
This study examined the influence of the elements that make up the absorptive capacity (AC) dimensions on the innovation capacity (IC) of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The research took place through a survey with questionnaires applied to 309 SMEs. We used the structural equations modeling technique (SEM) to analyze the data. The results showed that the dimensions of potential absorptive capacity (PACAP) and realized absorptive capacity (RACAP) have positive but distinct effects on the IC of SMEs. However, the impact on IC increases when the dimensions of the AC are evaluated in a multidimensional and individual manner. The study contributed theoretically by proving the multidimensionality of the MC construct in the universe of SMEs. As a managerial contribution, it is evident that RMCAP has a greater influence on the IC of SMEs, which proves the importance of managers/owners developing routines that enhance knowledge transformation and application.
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