Scientific Diplomacy for Climate Change: Thinking about Science, Technology, and Innovation for Oceans in Brazil




Climate changes, Sea level rise, Scientific diplomacy, Science, Technology and Innovation


Objective: This article seeks to present the impacts of climate change on the oceans, with an emphasis on the advancement of ocean science in the Brazilian State. The responsibility of the public sphere to develop responsive climate policies to the effects of climate change in coastal areas is highlighted, especially in the face of rising sea levels. Method: The work is divided into three sections. Firstly, we seek to understand the dimension of climate change for the oceans, considering the relevance of the topic on the international scene and the importance of diligence in public management. Next, the concept of scientific diplomacy for climate change is explored, examining the main means of promoting and integrating science, technology, and innovation for the development of efficient adaptation and resilience measures. Finally, the concepts exposed are interpreted in Brazilian politics. Results: Of the 120 scientific journals on administration researched in the Spell database, only 17% adopt the structured summary. The analyzed sample shows that the structured summary is most used by journals located in strata B1 and B2 in the Spell ranking (ANPAD). Conclusions: It is recommended that editors/authors of social science journals consider the adoption of structured abstracts. It should be added that structured abstracts prepared for Applied Social Sciences journals are more informative, easier to read and search when compared to traditional abstracts.

Author Biography

Júlia Eduarda Gouveia Rabelo de Abreu, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (PPGRI-UFSC)

Mestranda em Política Internacional no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.


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How to Cite

Abreu, J. E. G. R. de . (2024). Scientific Diplomacy for Climate Change: Thinking about Science, Technology, and Innovation for Oceans in Brazil. Journal of Administration Science, 1(Especial), 1–10.

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