Interiorization of the scientific concept of light reflection by high school students
Concept of Light Reflection, Cultural-Historical Theory, Interiorization of ConceptsAbstract
This work seeks to expand knowledge about the teaching-learning process of the scientific concept of light in Basic Education, specifically, understanding the process of interiorization of the scientific concept of light reflection by high school students. Based on Historical-Cultural Theory, we developed a didactic sequence that was implemented in a 2nd year high school class at a Federal Institute. Data were produced by the exteriorization of interiorized concepts, since it is only possible to access people's interior through what they exteriorize. The qualitative analysis of the written data produced by the students revealed major changes in the exteriorization of the properties of the concept of light reflection and scientific terms linked to them, in relation to knowledge prior to teaching, which positively qualifies the didactic sequence. On the other hand, it was also found that some of the students used the conceptual system of light reflection in disagreement with what was taught and without using scientific terms, which indicates that such students did not develop much beyond thinking through spontaneous concepts, which suggests the improvement of the aforementioned didactic sequence and the continuity of the research.
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