Educational territories and priority intervention policies: a critical analysis


  • Rui Canário UL - Lisboa - Portugal



This article conducts a critical analysis of the Priority Educational Territories for Intervention (TEIP). It involves the most recent and ambitious educational policy aimed at “combating social
exclusion”. The proposed analysis focuses on three main issues: the first is at the level of educational policy (the
macro level) and defends the thesis that social exclusion is a structural phenomenon related to the field of labor. A second concerns the (middle) level of local educational policies’, and
defends the need to shift from the concept of the “school territory” to a concept of “educational territory” that
is capable of questioning the school model. Finally, at a micro level, the pedagogical work conducted with students, we consider that the perspective that reduces the importance
of students represents the main problem with the (Teip) policy.



How to Cite

Canário, R. (2004). Educational territories and priority intervention policies: a critical analysis. Perspectiva, 22(1), 47–78.