Notes on distances and temporal nearness of body schooling in aproject of moral exegesis: criticaltheory and history


  • Marcus Aurélio Taborda de Oliveira UFPR - Curitiba - PR



The paper articulates original contributions of Critical Theory of
Society and the task of historian. It takes serious that that tradition can contribute to the writing of history if it provokes
the historian of education to reflect on social-cultural condition of schooling and different school cultures. Some contemporary observations about education of body at school are articulated with the content of written sources of 19er century in Paraná State. A double estrangement is operated – timing and spacing –, discussing singularities of a moral reform project through corporal education. The paper concludes affirming the fecundity of Critical Theory for the task of historian of education if this intellectual tradition is fecundated by the own research procedures of historical field.



How to Cite

Oliveira, M. A. T. de. (2004). Notes on distances and temporal nearness of body schooling in aproject of moral exegesis: criticaltheory and history. Perspectiva, 22(3), 225–245.