Managing risk, guaranteeing security and normality: the triad of Special Education


  • Márcia Lise Lunardi UFSM, Santa Maria (RS)



Current discussions about equality and jusrice for all revolve around the problem ofinclusion-exclusion which, by means
of power strategies, define the groups that participate in this relacionship. This involves an imperative in which campaigns, public policy, offieial docwncnts and other measures wind up
idcntifying the groups that are not represcntcd and not benefited by governrnent acrions, to then find ways to include them. A commitment has becn made through educacional policies to the idea of an inclusionary society, which has a concem for finding sttategies that allow a more equitable participation of prcviously excluded population groups. These issues do not escape the contextof a Special Education policy. To the contrary, they give greater visibility to it, after all, the point ofthis policy is the inclusion of individuaIs with special
nceds in the educacional realm. In this sense, it becomes important to contextualize the space of Special Education given these policies. This space does not disappear with the policies
for inclusion. In the first place, it is used, and Ui a certain forro, reinforced to make inclusion successful. It can be said that Special Education is a strategy to guarantee the security ofthe inclusionary process, or that is, the normalizacion of
the deficient subjects. It functions as a manager of risk, as a type of "preparation" and, often, as a "preventive mcasure" for inclusionary policies. We are facing a "preventive" policy that seeks, above ali, to track risks.



How to Cite

Lunardi, M. L. (2006). Managing risk, guaranteeing security and normality: the triad of Special Education. Perspectiva, 24(3), 177–196.