Government and educational reform in the context of post modern ideology


  • Isaura Monica Souza Zanardini Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), Cascavel (PR)



The purpose of this article is to present some considerations about the Basic Education reform implemented in Brazil in the 1990’s and its articulation with the reform of the Brazilian State and the ideology of post-modernity. The latter, by sustaining the reforms and strategies implemented in the context of globalization and neoliberalism, proposes a need for a “new rationality” that is expressed in the so-called public administration. Along with State reform, based on some documents prepared as a result of the World Conference of Education for All, held in Thailand in 1990, we present some reflections on the perspectives that found and guide the reform of Basic Education.

Author Biography

Isaura Monica Souza Zanardini, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), Cascavel (PR)

Graduada em Pedagogia e especialista em Fundamentos da Educação pela UNIOESTE CASCAVEL (1995), Mestre em Educação pela UEM (2001) e Dutora em Educação pela UNICAMP (2006). Docente da UNIOESTE. Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.



How to Cite

Zanardini, I. M. S. (2007). Government and educational reform in the context of post modern ideology. Perspectiva, 25(1), 245–270.



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