Peadgogic activity and the development of superior psychological functions


  • Maria Eliza M. Bernardes Faculdades Integradas de Santo André (FEFISA), Santo André
  • Flávia Ferreira da Silva Asbahr Universidade Ibirapuera, São Paulo



In order to explain some relations between school education and the constitution and development of superior psychological functions based on pedagogic activity, the study presents theoretical elaborations based on the the studies of Vygotski, Luria and Leontiev. Considerations about research methods are discussed as well as the constitution of superior psychological functions and of interfunctional relations present in the appropriation of cultural related to the processes of internalization and appropriation of knowledge. Concerning school education, the paper discusses the role of schooling in the process of human development and the conception of pedagogical activity as a fundamental element in the formation of theoretical thinking of students and educators.



How to Cite

Bernardes, M. E. M., & Asbahr, F. F. da S. (2007). Peadgogic activity and the development of superior psychological functions. Perspectiva, 25(2), 315–342.