Essay’s contributions as an instructional practice for the philosophy’s teaching trainee


  • Gilson Luís Voloski Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS



The text reflects on essay’s contributions as an instructional practice of the philosophy's teaching trainee.  Its objective is to show the essay’s potentialities in the relation theory and practice as formation to the docent autonomy. The reflection has as concrete reference an experience of internships’ monitoring done by the author, who acted as adviser teacher, in schools of the city of Florianópolis. Based on Theodor Adorno's conceptual references, the essay's modality presents itself as a critical pedagogical approach that orientates to the teaching practice and, at the same time, as an exercise of textual elaboration about the teaching experience.  The writing systematization as a reflexive conceptual activity about the pedagogical practice, is a self-knowledge process. It is on this activity of thinking the own action that the intern also self-constitutes himself as a teacher.

Author Biography

Gilson Luís Voloski, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Santa catarina (UFSC). Professor da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), Campus Realeza/PR.



How to Cite

Voloski, G. L. (2017). Essay’s contributions as an instructional practice for the philosophy’s teaching trainee. Perspectiva, 35(4), 1063–1075.



Filosofia, Arte e Educação: Experiências em Pensamento