The influence of the hygiene movement in the education in Goiás: a study of the regulation and the teaching program from 1930




The aim of this research was to identify the hygiene movement influences in the Regulations and in the 1930’s Goiás Teaching Program, taking into consideration that in these documents information about prescriptions related to the hygienic medical assumptions that effervesced in Brazil in the end of XIX century and the beginning of the XX century could be found. The content analysis method was used, through the selection, categorization, decodification and interpretations of the messages in the documents. The data showed that there is an alignment between the orientations within these documents and in the hygiene movement thinking, which was noted by the inclusion of the the physical education subject, adoption of hygiene habits that, beyond being studied, should be put into action, as well as prescriptions related to the planning of school buildings, which required that they were isolated, centralized, well-lit, ventilated as a way to guarantee silence and cleanness so the mind and body could be disciplined. In addition, orientations regarding school furniture were also specified, in the sense of avoiding deformations and favouring the healthy development of  the body. We also have as evidence the presence of school doctors and dentists among the educational professionals, responsible for examining, promoting prevention, correcting, treating and, when needed, putting away students who were presenting contagious or repulsive illnesses, blindness, deafness. From the study carried out, it was concluded that the hygiene movement had a strong influence in the 1930s’educational process in Goiás based on the data already presented. Furthermore, it is notorious that the education in Goiás has been developed under the exclusion of individuals who were considered incapable of being present in the school environment.

Author Biographies

Cristiane Maria Ribeiro, Instituto Federal Goiano, IFGoiano

Professora do Instituto Federal Goiano, IFGoiano

Cristineide Aparecida Ribeiro, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Orizona, Goiás.

Especialista em psicopedagogia pela Universidade Estadual de Goiás, UEG, Brasil.

Wender Caixeta da Silva, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Orizona, Goiás

Assessor Administrativo da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Orizona, Goiás


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, C. M., Ribeiro, C. A., & da Silva, W. C. (2020). The influence of the hygiene movement in the education in Goiás: a study of the regulation and the teaching program from 1930. Perspectiva, 38(1), 1–21.