Digital games and language education: we need to talk more about this encounter
New Literacies (LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2000, 2007), which are based upon critical pedagogy, critical theories and philosophical studies of language and sociology, have provided essential epistemological and ontological views that have reshaped contemporary pedagogical practices. As Snyder (2002) states, educators are no longer expected to focus only on linear reading, neglecting the various other forms of reading, such as visual, multimodal and hyperlinked readings, as well as their combinations. In this sense, the aim of this article is to investigate the role of digital games as differentiated pedagogical practices. We have problematized some activities with digital games used to teach English language, citizenship and critique. The research was carried out with a group of young learners of a public school in Espírito Santo State. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire, video recording of talks with the learners, and video recording of eight classes. The results show that a critical pedagogical proposal with games may promote small transformations and changes in students’ worldviews.References
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