Contributions of the Jequitinhonha Valley popular literature to environmental education and education in community based sciences
This paper reflects on the connections between a community-based education proposal developed with communities in the municipality of Chapada do Norte (MG), located in the Jequitinhonha Valley, and the work of a master of popular culture Gilmar Souza, who originated in one of these communities. Through an investigation of local reality, a contextualized educational proposal to the territory was developed based on a dialogue between scientific and popular knowledge, between practical and theoretical knowledge. This research was based on the perspective of Participant Research defended by Colombian sociologist Orlando Fals Borda, together with the conception of Latin American Popular Education and Paulo Freire's Thematic Approach, in an articulation designed to create conditions for the collective construction of knowledge. in partnerships with communities. Thus, from an immersion in the local reality were identified generating themes, biocultural memories, and information about the Environmental History of this region, which could serve as a basis for the establishment of contextualized discussions in the territory in question. Based on these results, we seek approximations with the work of the king's revelry master Gilmar Souza, representative of the community of São Sebastião da Boa Vista. Gilmar's poetry is thought from a point of view from within the communities and reflects the identity, culture and context of his production. Thus, this approach points to the potential of popular literature for the construction of a community-based educational perspective that is attentive to the specificities of the Minas Gerais backlands.
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