Wentworth & Hill and Heitor Lyra da Silva: circulation and appropriation of an intuitive geometry





This article aims to analyze the appropriation of the Brazilian Heitor Lyra da Silva in the textbook Geometria (Observação e Experiência), published in 1923 of an intuitive geometry defended in the work First Steps in Geometry, written by George Albert Wentworth & G. A Hill, in 1901. The period is marked by the circulation and appropriation of international educational proposals for the teaching of geometry, in particular, the intuitive method as a methodological proposal for the primary school. Both works introduce objects from everyday life, professional instruments, spaces for students to socialize as a starting point for geometric notions, intuitive movement traits. On the other hand, the idea of “geometric equality” approached as fundamental in the work of Wentworth & Hill is not appropriated by Heitor Lyra, revealing uniqueness and differentiation in the Brazilian context.

Author Biography

Maria Célia Leme da Silva, UNIFESP - Diadema

Departaemtno de Física

UNIFESP - Campus Diadema


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How to Cite

Silva, M. C. L. da . (2021). Wentworth & Hill and Heitor Lyra da Silva: circulation and appropriation of an intuitive geometry. Perspectiva, 39(1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-795X.2021.e71133